We have ongoing projects such as course books, sample tests, sample questions and solutions, etc., in every field. Any company that wants a proficiency exam unique to them, any publisher that wants sample questions to publish, or anyone who wants to own a course book to use in classes or courses can contact us and obtain it. Few examples of our projects are presented below:
FastONE Teacher Training/Orientation
The fully online teacher orientation course we’ve designed for FastONE Language Institution allows them to hire and train their teachers much more effectively and efficiently. This new online tool cuts down the time their Head Teachers spend on training the new teachers by 75%. Additionally, it is possible to check all the progress online using an admin panel and interfere when necessary. Down below is the introduction video of the said online teacher training/orientation course.
Brent Phone English Teacher Training/Orientation
This is another fully online teacher orientation/training course that has been designed for Brent Phone Language Institution. With the help of this tool, they are able to hire and train new teachers under a few hours. The new teachers obtain all the required information and knowledge they need by studying the online course themselves. The HR department checks the progress online and interferes when only necessary. Down below is the introduction video of the said online teacher training/orientation course.
Turkish for Foreigners
A fully online language learning course for Turkish dedicated to foreigners. Every lesson includes a real-world goal (e.g. introducing yourself) since all the lessons are designed to be task-based. Also, exercises in each unit are created in such a way that they use self-study techniques to teach the 4 core components of the language to the learner; speaking, writing, reading and listening. All instructions are both in Turkish and English, allowing English speaking foreigners to easily understand and follow the lesson structure. Only the 1st unit has been completed, and the project is seeking for an institution to call home. If you are interested in this project, please feel free to contact us. Down below is the video of the first lesson of unit 1 – Self-introduction.