SBK & Spoon – English for Presentations Demo Workshop 1

As we all know, one must study and practice delivering impactful presentations if they are to climb the corporate ladder and become a leader one day. This English for Presentations workshop is all about that!

The Demo Workshop

The aim of this demo workshop was to find out if there is a need for it in the South Korean market or not. I’d like to thank Spoon English one more time for their keen interest in the project and hosting it at their office.

On March 2nd, 2019, we held an English for Presentations demo workshop with the collaboration of Spoon English. There were 8 participants coming from various professional backgrounds, such as marketing, finance, and so on. All of them were members of the Spoon English family.


The demo workshop was lead by 2 expert co-instructors; Jordan Vinikoor and Kelsey Ulrich. They are both seasoned English teachers working at universities in Seoul for many years. Thanks to their significant contributions, the participants were able to obtain invaluable insight about using their intonation, pausing, and so on.

Extensive Structure

Students practicing

Normally, the whole workshop would take around 12 hours, i.e., 4 sessions each lasting 3 hours approximately (You can view the workshop brochure explaining each session down below). However, the demo workshop only presented the first 60 minutes of the first session which is an introduction to giving presentations.

During the demo workshop, participants learnt the common ways to give an opening, discussed the differences between them, and got the chance to give an opening themselves.

Positive Feedback

After the demo workshop, we asked each participant to fill out a feedback form in order for us o improve the demo workshop even further and understand whether the demo was a success or not. I’m proud to announce that according to the feedback results, the demo workshop got 4.25 points out of 5 and most of the participants are willing to take the whole workshop.

More is on its way

If you, or your company, is also interested in being one of the most successful entities in the field you are operating, this workshop will teach you how to utilize English so as to give an impactful and captivating presentation. Remember, English will unlock all the doors leading to international success.

Please contact us by filling out the form below or sending an inquiry to

About Serkan Burak Koçoğlu

Serkan is an English linguist who focuses his studies mainly on language acquisition and education. He is also an experienced EFL teacher with CELTA. Besides teaching, he has worked on several projects including designing an online teacher training system and online foreign language acquisition course. Currently, he is further pursuing his career in South Korea.

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